The Old Lady in the shoe has got nothing on me!

Trust me.. I mean it.

I mother six our house sanity is optional.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sometimes when I feel like screaming

Every woman needs to have a Mel and a Nikia. I have decided. I started off today with a rough start.... its not that things are always awful. They aren't... but the past few days there have been waves in the ocean and i felt like i was going under.. fast. by the grace of God (and a blog that let people knw I was going under) Mel and Nikia came in like mighty mouse (er um or is that mighty mice? since there are two of them). "Here I am to save the day" crud.. thats underdog..oh well.. today it will be might mouses theme.. Tricia's rule... Seriously though, Thank God for them. I needed that.

I know Chuck and I need the break they both mentioned too. Who wouldn't? Everyone needs some time, and sadly I don't remember the last time we even had a date night. Its not just the money sometimes its the time. I love Chuck dearly, and I know he loves me. I know that whatever it is that is making us conflict right now will pass. Its just tring to get over the hurdle. But we need help to get there, we need to help each other 1) because nobody should have to do it alone and 2) because my legs are too short to hurdle anything without a helping hand ;o)~

To my lovely friends who saw the need to help me resticky band aid, I thank you. And to my husband, I love you and this too shall pass. (ok not the love the bumpy road). Hugs and kisses til tomorrow ;o)~