The Old Lady in the shoe has got nothing on me!

Trust me.. I mean it.

I mother six our house sanity is optional.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Its the Little things.....

Have you ever noticed how wonderful the little things are? Like for instance, waking up to a warm baby cuddled up next to you. Shes happily snoring away but shes just so cute next to you. Its the Little things.

Seeing the coffee pot has warm fresh hot coffee on a day when you know without it, its gonna be ugly by 11 o clock. The Little things.

Putting on a pair of jeans that last week were not a possibility to find out that maybe sooner then you think the possibility will be there without laying on the bed and saying a prayer. The little things.

Hearing your little boy who has struggled with potty issues announce "MOM I AM POOPING" Its little things (ok that one is a BIG BIG BIG thing)

Finding out your daughter who has struggled with geometry for two years is passing. The little things (again.. its a pretty darn big thing lol)

Seeing that little couple walk down the sidewalk hand in hand, knowing they must be in their golden years and relief that some people still do get there. The little things.

A tart burning in your burner and making your whole house smell cozy. mmmm the Little things. (yes, I know its Friday.. give me sometime..winner shortly!!)

Friends who share with you and make your heart leap because in a society of selfish people, the good still exsist. The little things.

Only having to get up the next 3 mornings to push Chuck out of bed.. WOOOHOO the little things.

Dinner with the family and seeing kids go back for seconds on something new you tried. The little things

Your kids getting along and coexsisting like they love each other. The little things.

and finally....

When your 22 year old nephew who is one of the smartest people you know, tells you he is upset that his name only appears two times on your blog.. so Keith this one is for you. Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith.

Keep a smile on your face today, and remember don't sweat the little things.

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