The Old Lady in the shoe has got nothing on me!

Trust me.. I mean it.

I mother six our house sanity is optional.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week

This past week, I certainly did not (again) pick my battles and (again) let me son go to school wearing socks that were from Halloween and Christmas (again) because the fight was just not worth it.

This past week, I did not have give in and let Emily have her pacifier during daylight hours because she was in a horrid mood and given the options of screaming or her sitting and watching Dora. I chose sitting and watching Dora

I certainly did not put out more fires then one person should be forced to, in one week (not literal but you know what I mean)

I did not get flustered and aggrivated this week over a situation that I can not fix, and I do not have control over mostly because I am a control freak.

I did not fight with my children again about their inability to do their chores...Is it just mine with springitis??

I did not suffer through many innings of baseball the other night, but got the payoff when they won. (something that does not normally happen this year)

and finally..

I have not spent the past four days worrying myself sick over a situation that I can not change. While I know that this situation is not my faulr or in my control. .it sure does suck to be stuck like this! Prayers would be appreciated.

1 comment:

Drew's Mom said...

I thought I was the only one with a kid that has sock issues... Who wears LONG orange socks with shorts... or itty bitty ankle socks when it's freezing just because they have spiderman on them... Maybe I shouldn't complain, since I am technically the one who buys the socks =) Good luck with whatever the issue is..