The Old Lady in the shoe has got nothing on me!

Trust me.. I mean it.

I mother six our house sanity is optional.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Misc Musings on Monday.

Yea I am not sure about the title either... but hey why not right?

Lack thereof blogs:
I can partially blame stress in my life, I have a lot going on and this sort of fell to the wayside. I really don't want to trash the person who has me upset and I know if I blog I am going to. so I sort of stepped away but then I realize I love it, and miss it.. so here I am. :o)~ I promise to stick around more.


Hannah Montana
I had mostly emerged unscathed from the Hannah thing.. for the most part my kids were just not that interested. Sure we watched the show, and that was fun but that was it. And I was ok with this. This weekend when we cleaned out the garage, Emily found a Hannah Montana guitar that Mary had... oh yes shes in love. She even sings Nobody's Perfect (which is really cute).. please pray this is a passing phase. Please?


There should be a clause that when they turn 13-14 you can turn them in for a new model or at least offer a front lobotomy on the ones you have. My oldest daughter and two sons have mastered the "I can't believe I am related to you" look. Yep, life in our house is fun. My oldest who graduates shortly one minute is determined to go to college and the next wants to get a job and take a year off... ugh. Danny and AJ are just in the "What I can't hear you" stage.. And Mary (although she is 12) is God's way of paying me back for thinking of st uff to do when I was a kid.


I love spring, I hate spring cleaning but I love spring. I love that the flowers are blooming.. but I hate the pollen that comes with them. I love the newness of everything.. I hate the allergies that come with it. I love flip flops and cute sandals, I hate that my toes definitely have to look nice all the time. I love baseball.. I hate when the games don't go our way (little league or major league). All in all, I love spring. I really do.

So there now you are all caught up on me. Have a great Monday and see you tomorrow for Post it note Tuesday :o)~

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