The Old Lady in the shoe has got nothing on me!

Trust me.. I mean it.

I mother six our house sanity is optional.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Coffee, and the early bird gets the worm

ok... so its Saturday morning at 8:50 and I am wide awake. I realize that is not abnormal or horrible.. but I remember the long ago days of sleeping til 12 on the weekend.. Where are they?? oh wait I know.. they are with the teenagers who are still snug in bed. Let's go through my morning so far shall we? (yea go ahead say no.. I am still typing it.. you can close it if you want.. HA! your still here.. I have your attention.. WOOHOO go me!)

5:45 AM- Alarm goes off. .chuck snarls something and hits it
5:50 AM- Alarm goes off again.. chuck and I both snarl and hit them both (two cell phones alarm.. although his is MORE annoying shapoopie from Family guy. UGH.. however a big improvement up from Sts of Los Angeles.. over and over.
5:55 AM-Alarm goes off.. beat it just beat it.. pick up the cell phone and beat it! (sorry.. i am done.. i am not lyrical ok? there I said it)
6:00 AM- Alarm goes off.. chuck.. we gotta get up. he replies he knows.. yet still doesn't move.. gotta love a man with restraint.. chuck you have drill. GET up.
6:05 AM- he gets up. I get up. .face it. .we are up
6:10 AM he puts on his uniform we leave for the base.
6:11 AM I open full throttle coffee bevarage. I then begin to bless whoever invented this little kick in a butt in a can. O M G so good.
6:35 AM drop said spouse at base.. run to Wawa (gotta hava wawa.. ding. stuck in your head now? man am I evil) get gas. .curse at the prices while i listen to an old man tell me its the politicians fault we pay so much.. too early for that
6:50 AM get home.. to see Emily wide awake. damn. so much for sleep.. we eat breakfast..yogurt.. the new whips things are AWESOME. ok.. shameless plug over
7:00 AM-play on the internet..
8:00 AM tell mary i am going to take a shower and then we are leaving
8:15 AM- Same story to Mary.
8:30 AM- hey at least i am predictable.. same story to Mary
9:00 AM- publish this blog.. get a shower and hopefully we leave.

Today is another full day for me. .i am running to BJ's, then to see two friends, and then.. we are having friends over for dinner.. Pray for me.. its gonna be a long one. as I already hear WW3 breaking out between AJ and David..

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